Speech behavior of an Internet troll in online communication
Journal Title: Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки" - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 13
The phenomenon of Internet trolling has been considered in the article. The definition «Internet troll» has been drawn out and the history of the notion has been traced. Such aspects as aggression, success, disruption, and deception have been analysed in the context of the given question. Means of verbal aggression have been defined: character attacks, competence attacks, self-concept attacks, intentionally vague or ambiguous yet implicit threats, insults, malediction, scolding, teasing, mockery, verbal use of force, profanity, verbal abuse. The following means of aggression have been pointed out among nonverbal emblems: intentional use of emoji that are inappropriate for the given discourse situation and use of offensive pictures. Psychological characteristics of Internet trolls have been analyzed. Machiavellianism, a predisposition to be cunning, calculating, deceptive in achieving personal goals, psychopathy, a lack of remorse and empathy, and a tendency for manipulation have been pointed out among them. Sadism, the tendency to derive pleasure from causing others physical or psychological pain, has been defined as one of the most robust of the personality traits linked to trolling speech behaviour. The other features that have been mentioned are: most often trolls are males; an Internet troll is likely to be Internet addicted; there is a self-awareness of causing harm to others, directly or indirectly; they use Internet to obtain, tamper with, exchange and deliver harmful information, to engage in criminal or deviant activities or to profile, identify, locate, stalk and engage a target; Internet trolls tend to have few offline friends and online friends often engage in the same type of online harassment; they are psycho-pathological in experiencing power and control online fueled by their offline reality of being insignificant, angry, and alone; the severity and magnitude of psychological abuse they inflict upon their online targets is directly correlated to their probability of suffering from an Axis I, Axis II or Dual Diagnose mental illness; when online, Internet trolls show a lack of empathy, have minimal capacity to experience shame or guilt and behave with callousness and a grandiose sense of self; they are developmentally immature, tend to be chronically isolated and have minimal or no intimate relationships. The potential positive aspect of Internet trolling has been pointed out for online community.
Authors and Affiliations
Y. Kuriata, О. Kasatkina-Kubyshkina
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