Еститичні принципи романтизму в художніх творах Матвія Номиса


The author of this article tries to analyze Matviy Nomys’ literary heritage in the context of the national literary process in XIX century. Matviy Nomys is a prominent Ukrainian writer, ethnographer, folklorist, linguist, teacher, and public figure. Z. Shumeyko notes that the peak of creative activity of the artist fell on the St. Petersburgs’ period of his life, which was associated with the activities of the Ukrainian community, the work in the P. Kulishes publishing, the edition of the magazine “Osnova”, the popularization of Ukrainian culture. The author says that Matviy Nomys is a writer-romantic, so she defines the artistic features of romanticism in world culture. Z. Shumeyko analyzes the development of romanticism in Ukrainian literature, notes that it is characterized by the diversity of trends, and it played a significant role in the awakened of national consciousness of Ukrainian people. Z. Shumeyko examines such Matviy Nomys’ works: “Excerpts from the autobiography of Vasil Petrovich Bilokopytenko”, story “Grandfather Mina and grandmother Mynikha” and “Aunt Nastya”, ethnographic and artistic essay “Christmas Yule”, note “How impoverished Obolonski”. This works have descriptive, ethnographic, folk and autobiographical character. The writer was aimed to retell about harmonious, upright, spiritualised life of previous generations of the Ukrainian people, who lived according to traditional folk and Christian ideals. In the article “How impoverished Obolonskiye” Matviy Nomys explores the process and causes of Cossack family Obolonski’s devastation, he criticizes this family for the extravagance and isolation from traditional folk life, the desire to learn the rules of Russian landowners’ life. Based on the analysis of artistic and ideological characteristics of these literary texts author concludes that Matviy Nomys was representative of Ukrainian romantic writers.

Authors and Affiliations

З. Є. Шумейко


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  • EP ID EP497707
  • DOI 10.32342/2523-4463-2016-0-11-172-177
  • Views 114
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How To Cite

З. Є. Шумейко (2016). Еститичні принципи романтизму в художніх творах Матвія Номиса. Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки", 1(11), 172-177. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-497707