Британцы и русские как враги по Крымской войне: литературные образы
Journal Title: Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки" - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue 12
The article discusses the image of the enemy in the Russian and English literature about the Crimean war (1853–1856). The author demonstrates that in the 19th century this image was determined by the ethnic stereotypes. Special attention is paid to the novel “Master Georgie” (1998) by B. Bainbridge, where the British and Russians appear as mirror images of each other, and the short story “Kuzma, a Soldier” by I.S. Shmelev (1915), where the Russian and British soldiers, as military opponents, however, enter into a cordial relationship. The Crimean War was the only one clash of the Russian and British armies during their history, thus, it has been reflected in the literary works of both countries. How is the image of the British (and, accordingly, the Russian) enemy described in the works devoted to the Crimean War? How is the war of the two largest Christian empires depicted? Is it the battle of moral people with the immoral ones? Or the duel of the noble enemies? Or a senseless mutual destruction of the twins? Not all literary texts which served as a basis for our study are relevant to the real art of literature. However, they present a considerable evidence of the mass consciousness of that epoch, reflecting the ethnic stereotypes prevalent in the society. That is why the modest efforts of
Authors and Affiliations
С. В. Шешунова
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