Особливості побутування „трактирного” фаянсового посуду і „танжерів” у різних етнокультурних регіонах України
Journal Title: Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue
Research is devoted consideration of an existing not enough the studied group of ware for taverns and burgher faience ware, and also tangers in traditions of different ethnocultural regions of Ukraine ХІХ – fi rst half ХХ of century. The special attention is given an origin of the designated groups of products, their art features, a place in an interior; to an identifi cation of brands of known products with the European and slavic manufactures of porcelain and faience; to specifi city of use of the mentioned subjects as ceremonial or exclusively household.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Olga Szkolna
Лінгвістичне дослідження української рими: завдання, проблеми, перспективи
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The article is devoted to an associative analysis of connotative strategies of sibilants in the Ukrainian poetic discourse of the 20th-21st centuries. The dominance of consonants [ж], [ш], [д͡ж], and [ч] in the sound mat...
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The aim of this paper is to show the stylistic diff erentiation of texts in teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language. Basing on the texts from diff erent student books, as well as those the author uses herself, the paper...
Номінації їжі в українських і польських фразеологізмах
The article presents a comparative analysis of food names included in Ukrainian and Polish idioms. Some of them are common to both languages, while some are characteristic of just one nation. Furthermore, the meanings of...
Вплив іменників давніх *-ǒ-, *-jǒ-основ на формування субстантивної словозміни західнополіських і суміжних говірок
The article analyses substantive word modifi cations in the Western Polissian and adjacent dialects in the context of the *-ǒ- and *-jǒ-stem noun paradigm, and the infl uences on their formation. It has been found that d...