Вплив іменників давніх *-ǒ-, *-jǒ-основ на формування субстантивної словозміни західнополіських і суміжних говірок
Journal Title: Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia - Year 2015, Vol 3, Issue
The article analyses substantive word modifi cations in the Western Polissian and adjacent dialects in the context of the *-ǒ- and *-jǒ-stem noun paradigm, and the infl uences on their formation. It has been found that dialect discourse has fully preserved the system of singular form infl exions in the substantives under investigation. Infl exion leveling has been considered on the basis of the particular nouns paradigm formed according to the pattern of old *-ǒ- and *-jǒ-stems. The unifi cation of case forms of other word-modifi ed types has been specifi ed in accordance with the corresponding structures’ model. The author concludes that the inner paradigmatic interaction of *-ǒ- and *-jǒ-stem substantives is chiefl y predetermined by the integrative infl uence of the `fi rm` type of noun declination. It is emphasised that the productivity of the objective case infl exion leveling in comparison with that of the genitive case is higher in dialectical discourse than in literary. The external functioning of *-ǒ- and *-jǒ-stem substantives is refl ected in Western Polissian and adjacent dialectical word forms, which are predominantly nouns with old consonant *-rand *-t-stems in the genetive singular. Intensive analogical phonetic processes in the dialect words’ modifi cation caused the appearance of the divergent system of substantive paradigm case formatives and their realisation.
Authors and Affiliations
Rusłana Zinczuk
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