Peripheral vestibular syndrome. Etiologic differential diagnosis algorithm and therapeutic recommendations
Journal Title: - Year 2017, Vol 10, Issue 34
Peripheral vestibular syndrome is frequently met in daily ENT practice (30% of patients). History and bedside examination are crucial un differentiating peripheral and central vestibular lesions, as in establishing the aetiology whenever possible. This paper presents a differential diagnostic algorithm for vertiginous syndrome, a specific category of the vestibular lesions, in which clinical presentation is dominated by VERTIGO. It also presents appropriate treatment options for each aetiology. Bimodal treatment - medication (betahystine) and customised vestibular rehabilitation programs - aims to facilitate the physiologic vestibular central compensation process. This will enable more rapid and more complete recovery of the unilateral vestibular lesion.
Authors and Affiliations
Madalina Georgescu
Peripheral vestibular syndrome. Etiologic differential diagnosis algorithm and therapeutic recommendations
Peripheral vestibular syndrome is frequently met in daily ENT practice (30% of patients). History and bedside examination are crucial un differentiating peripheral and central vestibular lesions, as in establishing the...
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Abstracte Forum 2017
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