Pochodzenie i rozwój maryjnego tytułu „Gwiazda Zaranna”
Journal Title: Studia Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskie - Year 2011, Vol 0, Issue 17
This article presents, in four points, the genesis and development of this popular title for the Blessed Virgin Mary (synonyms: „Dawn”, „Aurora”) in the teaching and devotional praxis of the Church. The first point presents the biblical symbolism of the „star” and the etymology of the adjective „auroral” (morning/dawn), indicating that in the bible this title refers to Christ. However, one may notice a certain intuition in the Gospels, which allows the title to be applied later to Mary. The second pointing relates the Patristic beginnings of the Marian metaphor of the „Morning Star”. The third point investigates the blossoming and consolidation of the title in the medieval devotional practices and teachings of the Church. By the late Middle Ages, the title carried within itself an Christological meaning and was beginning to acquire an ecclesial one. The fourth point presents the modern process of the stabilization of the devotion of the “Morning Star” and deepens its understanding. It expresses the truth that Mary announced and contributed to the emergence of the Sun of Justice, the Incarnation of the Son of God, and now prepares and leads the Church to meet Him in the end times. Devotion to Our Lady augments one’s courage and helps one to live out one’s faith more definitively and fruitfully.
Authors and Affiliations
Adam Wojtczak
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