Potential risk assessment of the electrically heated tobacco system (ehts) use
Journal Title: Український журнал сучасних проблем токсикології - Year 2017, Vol 77, Issue 1
Objective. To conduct an assessment of electronically heated tobacco system EHTS based on toxical and hygienical experiment with involvement of volunteers in comparison with conventional filtered cigarettes smoking and define quantitative and qualitative difference in air composition in the room, where these products were used. Materials and Methods. Given toxical and hygienical characteristics of indoor air inhaled, where 80 volunteers were present (active and passive users), with carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, formaldehyde, nicotine, benzo(a)pyrene and ammonia content assessment using chemical, analytical and organoleptic research methods. Results. It has been found that during EHTSs indoor usage benzo(a)pyrene, nicotine and ammonia were not detected — the result was at the response limit of the analytical detection method or n/a. The content of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and formaldehyde increased slightly. The actual content of the above air safety indicators in indoor air during and after EHTSs consumption by no means exceeded the TLVs for atmospheric air in contrast with indoor air during conventional filtered cigarette smoking, when nearly all air safety indicator concentrations were found to be increased. Carbon monoxide content was nearly 10 times higher than the TLVfor atmospheric air; formaldehyde content was 3 times higher than the TLVfor atmospheric air; benzo(a)pyrene content was nearly twice higher than the work area TLV; 80 conventional cigarettes brought nicotine content up to a value nearly 2 times higher than the reference safe exposure level (RSEL) for work area air nicotine; while ammonia content of the room reached TLV m.s-t. for atmospheric air. Findings. Recognized reduced risk potential for active and passive smokers’ health while using EHTSs in comparison with conventional filtered cigarette smoking is based in reduced level of air pollution in the room, where these products were used.
Authors and Affiliations
M. G. Prodanchuk, A. E. Podrushnyak, О. E. Malysheva, A. M. Stroy, V. V. Zaval'na, Т. І. Moroz, V. I. Kruk, T. V. Shutova
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