Problems of capitalization of the banking system of Ukraine
Journal Title: Стратегія економічного розвитку України - Year 2018, Vol 42, Issue
Banking capital is a factor that helps to evaluate the perspectives of development of the banking sector in general and a specific bank in particular. Its size determines the scale of bank’s operations. It is necessary to create sufficient amount of capital for effective functioning on the market. It is also necessary to take into consideration the fact that excessive capitalization is negative due to the fact that cash is not used in credit and investment operations. It reduces the profitability of banking business. The insufficient level of capitalization narrows the possibilities of a bank. The purpose of this article is to make recommendations concerning the improvement of bank capitalization. In the Ukrainian banking sector, there is a phenomenon of the artificial overvaluation of capital, that is, when in the structure of equity capital are significant volumes share premium reserve and revaluation reserves. Under conditions of devaluation of the hryvnia, they automatically increase the capital of banks. Therefore, banks should optimize the structure of their equity capital and enlarge it at the expense of quality sources. On the basis of the research of the current state of domestic banking system, it was possible to elaborate a model, which defines the peculiarities of the process of capitalization on the macro- and microeconomic levels and describes the following structural elements: the aim, impact factors and the solutions to the problem of capitalization of Ukrainian banking system.
Authors and Affiliations
Yevheniia Andrushchak, Oksana Shchurevych
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