Proceedings ELBA NW Nanoforum XLI. Part-I: Topics - Emerging Lines of Collaborative Russians/Italians Research
Journal Title: NanoWorld Journal - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue 0
The Fondazione EL.B.A. (EL.ELECTRONICS B.IOTECNOLOGY A.DVANCED) Nicolini was created by an initiative of Professor Claudio Nicolini member of the National Science and Technology Council and called from USA as Eminent Scientist to the Chair of Biophysics at the University of Genova, as an outgrowth of the successful intergovernmental agreement, called “Elba Project”, on bioelectronics and biomolecular engineering signed on December 7, 1990 by the Italian Minister of Research and University Antonio Ruberti and by the Vice-Minister for Science and Technology of the Soviet Union Ivan Bortnik, and later extended to the European Commission as observer evolving into a long-range research project with multidisciplinary activities. Fondazione EL.B.A. (Electronics Biotechnology Advanced) Nicolini has been born in 1993 with participation of both governments (Europe and Soviet Union) and privates (USA Institutions) and has brought to success the initiative on Bioelectronics with the required critical mass at the world scale through (a) the support of both the multinational companies organized within Polo Nazionale Bioelettronica, Scientific Technological Park of the Elba Island and CIREFIndustrial Consortium (Sorin, Fiat, Montedison, STM, ABB, Elsag-Bailey) and (b) the Biochip Project (1) initiated by USSR President Gorbachev through Velikov-Emelyanov at Russiaan Accademy of Sciences and Italian Prime Minister Craxi through Nicolini at Genova University. The Nanoforum is now at its XLIth ELBA edition having as objective (www.fondazioneelbanicolini. org) the exploration of present stage of Collaborative Lines of Russians (RAS and MSU)/Italians (FEN NWI and LBN UNIGE) Research, having focus in Structural and Functional Proteomics for Cancer and for Molecular Bioelectronics. This time the sponsorship has been extended extended for the first time to Nanoworld (NW) Journal and Conference both located in USA, respectively in Santa Clara and Boston.
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