The article introduces Salman Khan’s deschooling concept and encourages further reflection on the opic. The idea of education that supports students who experience problems in traditional schools was conceived by Khan in...
Some negative implications of trainings which trainers receive while teaching are discussed in the article. Reasons as well as symptoms of reluctance to improve professional competences often observed in teachers’ behavi...
Artykuł dotyczy psychologii poznawczej oraz różnych procedur stosowanych w terapii. W pedagogice podejście poznawcze zaowocowało pedagogiką kognitywną oraz konstruktywistyczną. Wykazano związki między psychologią poznawc...
EP ID EP328688
DOI 10.16926/eat.2017.06.01
Views 122
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How To Cite
Jarosław Jagieła, Zbigniew Łęski (2017). Profesor Władysław Piotr Zaczyński (1930–2017). Edukacyjna Analiza Transakcyjna, 6(),
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Will Khan Academy revolutionise Polish education, as well?
The article introduces Salman Khan’s deschooling concept and encourages further reflection on the opic. The idea of education that supports students who experience problems in traditional schools was conceived by Khan in...
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Some negative implications of trainings which trainers receive while teaching are discussed in the article. Reasons as well as symptoms of reluctance to improve professional competences often observed in teachers’ behavi...
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Artykuł dotyczy psychologii poznawczej oraz różnych procedur stosowanych w terapii. W pedagogice podejście poznawcze zaowocowało pedagogiką kognitywną oraz konstruktywistyczną. Wykazano związki między psychologią poznawc...