Przedmiot creatio continua
Journal Title: Studia Salvatoriana Polonica - Year 2016, Vol 10, Issue
Ontically, creatio continua deals with the subject of angels, people and the world: space, plants and animals. Aspectually, the specific subject of continuous creation is to develop and bring everything to the full. Analysis of different subjects of continuous creative action helps to better understand the essence of this action and to highlight its Trinitarian nature. Every action of God takes place in the mystic depths of the immanent Trinity. Only the results of God’s activity can be perceived; these are created beings in their existence, operation, development, and focusing on the ultimate goal. Creatio continua is the act of creation considered from the perspective of the developing world. One has to distinguish the subject of reflection from the subject of the real action. In this case, both issues meet. The article deals with the fruit of a continuous creative activity. Its methodological feature is the observation that the personalistic perspective does not mean overlooking the reistic aspects. Continuous creation brings the world closer to people and people to the world, it does not separate, but unites.
Authors and Affiliations
Piotr Liszka
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