XIX century Mazurian’s poetry likewise their poetry from the beginning of the XX century enclose motives ant themes connected with Russians and the Russian Empire. The Russian Empire itself and Russian as the nation were...
Text function of multi-leveled language means expressing the modal meaning of possibility as one of the explicators of the author’s modality in Leo Tolstoy’s novel Anna Karenina is considered in the article.The authors d...
Ambiguous status of adolescents who are no longer children, while not yet adults clearly attracted Aleksandr Kuprin’s attention. In his works we find a large group of teenage girls and boys. There are also both reflectio...
Rosja i Rosjanie w wierszach Mazurów
XIX century Mazurian’s poetry likewise their poetry from the beginning of the XX century enclose motives ant themes connected with Russians and the Russian Empire. The Russian Empire itself and Russian as the nation were...
Польско-русскaя компаративистика в трудах профессора Базылия Бялокозовича : некоторые аспекты изучения
"Dawna a nowa Rosja. Z doświadczeń transformacji ustrojowej). Studia ofiarowane Profesorowi Janowi Sobczakowi w siedemdziesiątą rocznicę urodzin", Warszawa 2002
Модальные средства экспликации „мысли семейной” в романе Льва Толстого Анна Каренина
Text function of multi-leveled language means expressing the modal meaning of possibility as one of the explicators of the author’s modality in Leo Tolstoy’s novel Anna Karenina is considered in the article.The authors d...
Trudna sztuka dorastania a świat bohaterów Aleksandra Kuprina
Ambiguous status of adolescents who are no longer children, while not yet adults clearly attracted Aleksandr Kuprin’s attention. In his works we find a large group of teenage girls and boys. There are also both reflectio...