Развитие профессиональной компетентности у специалистов, работающих в социальном секторе [The development of professional competence of social sector workers]
Journal Title: Організаційна психологія. Економічна психологія - Year 2017, Vol 8, Issue 1
The development of professional competence of social sector workers is an important way of improving social services. The rapid changes in society, science and the expansion of general and special knowledge require continuing professional development. Changes in the social environment that are caused by social, political and economic transformations require fast and high-quality staff's training and retraining. Social sector, being a dynamic and rapidly changing field of activities, is at the same time very vulnerable economically. Therefore, the development of social sector workers' professional competence has its specific objectives and instruments. Psychological science faces a number of challenges in social sector which include workers’ motivation for professional competence development and retraining for work in new social sector professions, motivation of retrained workers to use new knowledge and skills in everyday work, and creation of appropriate psychological conditions for effective training or retraining. The author analyzes a number of qualifying projects aimed at developing professional competences in workers and volunteers in the social sector. These projects include "Training personnel for the national network of HIV-positive people counseling offices", "Training and prevention program to reduce HIV risk among Christian communities and residents of Odessa region", "Psychological aid to people, refresher training, supervision and field practice of specialists in therapy groups to improve social services in Ukraine", etc. An important factor in professional competence development is the way the new information is presented and trainers’ efficiency based on their good knowledge of the material, extensive practical experience, empathy and consideration of the trainees’ interests, basic professional knowledge and experience.
Authors and Affiliations
Myroslav Stanishevskyi
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