The author of this article analyses some poetic quotations which are grouped in the following way:1. Soviet poets, who in different extent of involvement, were apologists of the Soviet reality2. Classicists of the 19th c...
The article discusses extension and intension of the advertisement concept. The core idea, originality, likeability (attractiveness), target population orientation, motivation (encouragement) are viewed as the main compo...
The subject of this article’s research is the problem of translation of poetic texts on the basis of a poem Метель by Boris Pasternak. The work aims to analyse certain mechanisms and processes involved in the translation...
EP ID EP657977
Views 67
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How To Cite
Roza Alimpijewa (1996). Роль этнокультурного компонента в семантике словa и текста при художественном переводе. ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA, 1(0),
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Функции художественных цитат в публицистическом тексте
The author of this article analyses some poetic quotations which are grouped in the following way:1. Soviet poets, who in different extent of involvement, were apologists of the Soviet reality2. Classicists of the 19th c...
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ЖИЗНЬ в рекламе (семантика и функции имени существительного в рекламе)
The article discusses extension and intension of the advertisement concept. The core idea, originality, likeability (attractiveness), target population orientation, motivation (encouragement) are viewed as the main compo...
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The subject of this article’s research is the problem of translation of poetic texts on the basis of a poem Метель by Boris Pasternak. The work aims to analyse certain mechanisms and processes involved in the translation...