The basis for designation of the category of ablativeness is apresence in a language of a physical idea of translocation of an object with respect to a localizer as well as specific linguistic means which reflect the sai...
The article studies certain phenomena of a cultural borderland, mezonimy and intertexualitytaken in relation. The author classifies these in two aspects: a) due to the function - a resonancespace of a text / literature;...
Suicide is, for centuries, a subject of particular interest in various fields, including philosophy, psychology and sociology. The author of this paper takes the “suicide and literature”, in order to examine selected exa...
O podstawach teoretycznych semantycznej kategorii ablatywności w językach słowiańskich
The basis for designation of the category of ablativeness is apresence in a language of a physical idea of translocation of an object with respect to a localizer as well as specific linguistic means which reflect the sai...
Między Rosją a Polską : czas i przestrzeń Józefa Czapskiego
Z węgiersko-polsko-białoruskich związków kulturalnych w XVI wieku : ("Athila" M. Oláha w przekładzie polskim i białoruskim)
Культура польско-восточнославянского пограничья в аспекте мезонимии
The article studies certain phenomena of a cultural borderland, mezonimy and intertexualitytaken in relation. The author classifies these in two aspects: a) due to the function - a resonancespace of a text / literature;...
Mors voluntaria i literatura rosyjska. Samobójstwo jako akt twórczy, społeczny i polityczny
Suicide is, for centuries, a subject of particular interest in various fields, including philosophy, psychology and sociology. The author of this paper takes the “suicide and literature”, in order to examine selected exa...