Розварюваність бульб у міжвидових гібридів картоплі, їх беккросів / Weldability of tubers of interspecific hybrids of potatoes, their backcross


Weldability of tubers is a very important characteristic of culinary properties, which is why it is very important to determine at least the phenotypic manifestation of tuberculosis of the tubers in the initial selection material of interspecific origin, which was the task of the study. Evaluated weldability in the process of tasting according to the generally accepted scale, where ball 1 corresponded to the lack of welding tubers, 3 – weak, 5 – medium, 7 – strong, and ball 9 – very strong. The smallest proportion of hybrids with poorly welded tubers was found at the first record in 2015 – 27%. The following year, it increased by 3 %, and in 2017 – by another 12 %. At the same time, the difference in average value of the indicator over the years varied by only 0.2 points.The proportion of investigated material with a weak weldability of tubers in the second record significantly increased compared to the first one. In 2015, the difference was 10 %, 2016 – 20, and 2017 – 13. This class was modal as a result of the second record in 2016 and both in the next. The maximum percentage of hybrids with average welder in both records was observed in 2015 and the first record in the next.In each of the years and records, interspecific hybrids, their backcross with a higher manifestation of the traits, than in the best standard-standard, are revealed, which testifies to the high potential of the investigated material on the weldability of tubers. Its maximum share with the mentioned manifestation of the trait took place at the first registration in 2017 – 21 %. Less (10–12 %) it was for the first time in 2015 and 2016, and the second – in 2017.The average indicator of the indicator depended on both the year of the study's implementation and the time of the accountancy. Very close data obtained from the first record. The difference between the hybrids over the years was only 0,2 points. According to the results of the second record, it was 0.5 points. Only between the manifestation of bulb roughness and their wateriness the value of the correlation coefficient was negative and with the exception of the first count in 2017, the average. Additionally and in most variants, the average dependence is detected between the tuber formation and their consistency. With the exception of the first record in 2016, the same was true for correlations between bulb sprouting and flouriness, but for the first time in 2015, it was on the verge of a strong dependence.

Authors and Affiliations

N. Kravchenko, A. (senior) Podhaietskyy, A. Stavytskyy


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N. Kravchenko, A. (senior) Podhaietskyy, A. Stavytskyy (2018). Розварюваність бульб у міжвидових гібридів картоплі, їх беккросів / Weldability of tubers of interspecific hybrids of potatoes, their backcross. Вісник Львівського національного аграрного університету. Агрономія, 22(), 125-132. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-563764