Sanciticity or commodity? Nature as interpreted by american counterculture

Journal Title: Społeczeństwo. Edukacja. Język - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue


At first, earlier ideas of the relationship between man and nature within the American culture are concisely restated: above all, the transcendentalist view upon this relationship, expressed by Emerson and Thoreau, and then basically questioned from the perspective of existential alienation or cognitive skepticism (Poe, Dickinson, Crane). Then, American counterculture, in the literary/artistic sense represented by the Beats and later by the Hippies, is presented, both in its unfortunate attempt at returning to Emerson’s concept of divine harmony between man and nature and in its literary/artistic representatives being alienated in the “disenchanted world” of the mid-20th century America (see at least by Kerouac’s Big Sur or Easy Rider, a classic film of the Hippie era). Eventually, an analogy is suggested between Kerouac and his Polish acolyte, Edward Stachura (chronologically belonging to the Hippie generation), who showed in his writings hypersensitive individuals, fatally alienated both from nature and humanity – which, ultimately, was hardly the case with the Beats or their Hippie followers.

Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Dorobek


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How To Cite

Andrzej Dorobek (2016). Sanciticity or commodity? Nature as interpreted by american counterculture. Społeczeństwo. Edukacja. Język, 4(), 9-19.