Селекція яблуні дослідної станції помології ім. Л. П. Симиренка ІС НААН України / Apple farming Research station of pomology them. L.P. Simirenko IS of NAAN of Ukraine
Journal Title: Вісник Львівського національного аграрного університету. Агрономія - Year 2018, Vol 22, Issue
The article describes the history, achievements and prospects of apple selection in the Pomorie Experimental Station. LP Simirenko Apple tree is one of the oldest breeds; it is the most widely spread fruit crop; the value of apples in the human diet is very high. They are considered to be irreplaceable food, contribute to the prevention of disease, have therapeutic properties. Creation of intensive type apple varieties is an actual task at the present stage of development of fruit production in Ukraine. It is noted that financial success is guaranteed only by those varieties that would combine a set of features, namely, fecundity and high yields, fruiting stability and excellent fruit and vegetable qualities, resistance to major diseases and adverse environmental conditions, etc. The breeding work on apple tree at the Mlyevsky experimental gardening plant (now the L. P. Symyrenko Research Institute of Pomology IS NAN of Ukraine) was initiated by Prof. L. M. Ro in 1924 Further work on apple selection was carried out: candidate of agricultural sciences P.Yu. Tsekhimstrenko (1931–1938 biennium), candidate of biological sciences MM Nikonenko (1938–1973 biennium), candidate of agricultural sciences V.Ya. Chuprynyk (1973–2002) and SV Gomenyuk (Ovcharenko). At present, selection work on apple trees is headed by candidate of agricultural sciences V. V. Voloshin Selection work is carried out on the basis of a genetic collection of over 1280 specimens. The hybrid apple tree covers more than 2200 pcs. seedlings Characterization of the best new, zoned apple varieties for growing in industrial intensive plantations and on farmland for different zones of Ukraine.
Authors and Affiliations
V. Voloshina, A. Voloshin
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