Simultaneous Multiple Cerebral and Systemic Embolisms: A Case Report

Journal Title: Journal of Neurological Sciences-Turkish - Year 2007, Vol 24, Issue 3


Atrial fibrillation (AF) is one of the most common causes of cardiac embolism, but cerebral and peripheral embolisms can be also observed in approximately 30% of the patients with AF. Simultaneously encountered multiple embolism due to AF is a relatively rare condition. The aim of this study is to present a case with paroxsymal AF who had simultaneous renal, pulmonary and bilateral anterior cerebral embolisms.

Authors and Affiliations

Derya ULUDUZ, Gokhan ERKOL, Birsen INCE


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How To Cite

Derya ULUDUZ, Gokhan ERKOL, Birsen INCE (2007). Simultaneous Multiple Cerebral and Systemic Embolisms: A Case Report. Journal of Neurological Sciences-Turkish, 24(3), 239-243.