Стилістична транспозиція як особливий спосіб актуалізації термінолексем у ЗМІ


In this article the author makes an attempt to reveal the specifics of the implementation of the Ukrainian terms in newspapers «Ridne Pribuzhzhya» and «Uryadovyy Courier», because the language of the media most fully reflects the stylistic preferences of modern society. Among them a special place belongs to the press. Therefore, the problem of the transformation of terms is relevant in modern linguistics. It is proved that at the present stage of development of the literary language one of the most productive transformational processes is the stylistic transposition of lexical units. The analysis of our factual material has shown that when term is used in unusual language situations, terminological semantics change. It leads to a gradual transition of the word with a special meaning to the general lexical fund of the language. In the article the author gives and justifies the definitions of key concepts. In particular, it is indicated that the stylistic transposition of terminological vocabulary is the transition of a term or individual terminological meanings to a common lexical fund. Transformation of the stylistic status of terminological units at the present stage is a very productive process in quantitative and qualitative terms, because the interaction of the general literary vocabulary with special vocabulary occurs in all new areas of the linguasocium. The author makes the conclusion that the terms have the property to determinologization. However, terms are determinized only if their semantic structure consists of one or more lexical and semantic variants. In the course of stylistic reorientation the portable meaning, formed from the term, can become a direct one. The peculiarity of the process of changing the stylistic status of terms is not only their transition to a common lexical fund (stylistic transposition), but also in the rapid branching of their semantic structure. The implementation of terms in a non-special context is due to the individual-author’s use of a special nomination. Thus, it depends on the specifics of the communicative situation and purpose of the utterance.

Authors and Affiliations

С. О. Каленюк


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  • EP ID EP434192
  • DOI 10.32342/2523-4463-2017-0-13-208-214
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How To Cite

С. О. Каленюк (2017). Стилістична транспозиція як особливий спосіб актуалізації термінолексем у ЗМІ. Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Філологічні науки", 1(13), 208-214. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-434192