Structural and typological model of internal conflict in personality
Journal Title: Science and Education a New Dimension - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 175
The article provides the results of research of internal personal conflict phenomenon. The analysis of various approaches to determination of content of the term “internal personal conflict” is proposed herein. In the framework of depth psychology, scientific study of internal conflicts is analyzed from the point of psychoanalytical theory, individual psychology, analytical psychology and exis- tential psychoanalysis. Among other foreign directions, internal personal conflict is considered in the framework of neo-Freudian direc- tion in psychology, German psychological school, humanistic psychology, and existential and cognitive directions in psychology. Fur- thermore, conflictogens of internal personal conflicts were identified in the theory of psychosocial development of personality, transac- tional analysis and psychodrama. Among domestic psychologists, the content of internal personal conflict is considered in the framework of activity theory. Also, the content of internal personal conflict was analyzed in the works of contemporary researchers. A number of scholars were singled out, who consider the internal conflict through the prism of consciousness. Scientific study of internal conflicts among various elements in the system of internal structure of personality was described. Views of scholars, who discover conflictogens in the spheres of motivation, values and sense of self, were analyzed. Theories of authors, who find conflictogens in ambivalence of interrole interaction of personality, were considered. A number of scholars were singled out, who consider the essence of internal conflict through the prism of contradictions between Real Self and Ideal Self. It was discovered that no single approach to determination of con- tent of the term "internal conflict" exists. Likewise, the absence of integrated approach to studying of internal personal conflict as psy- chological phenomenon was determined. Foreign, as well as domestic scholars interpret the content of internal personal conflict in the framework of own psychological approaches, however, it is common for all approaches to understand the internal personal conflict as a collision of divergent desires of a person, opposition of one part of self to another, contradictory attitude of a person towards other people and self. The article makes an attempt to classify the existing in psychological literature views regarding determination of internal per- sonal conflict content. Two major groups of theories were identified. The first, more numerous group, comprises the researches that consider internal personal conflict on the personal level (S. Freud, C. Jung, K. Rogers, A. Maslow, E. Fromm, V. Frankl, I. Yalom, K. Lewin, L. Festinger, V. Merlin, O. Leontiev, V. Myasishchev, F. Vasilyuk, L. Bozhovich, A. Yancupov, A. Shipilov, V. Stolin, O. Fantalova). The second – on the interpersonal level (E. Ericson, A. Adler, K. Horney, E. Berne, J. Moreno, N. Grishina, B. Bratus', B. Zeigarnik). Integration of these approaches, as well as consideration that a person cannot exist outside the society, gave us the basis for identification of two structural components of internal conflict: individually-personal and social. Basing on the Self-concept phenome- nology, the core structure of internal personal conflict was identified, which consists of three planes: “Real Self”, “Ideal Self” and “Socially acceptable Self”. Analysis of interaction of core components of internal conflict allowed us to determine the types of internal personal conflicts. The “Ideal self” – “Real self” internal conflict type occurs when a person is simultaneously influenced by equal in force and oppositely directed desires and opportunities. The “Real self” – “Socially acceptable self” internal conflict type occurs when equal in force and oppositely directed abilities and needs come into opposition. And the “Ideal self” –“Socially acceptable self” type occurs under the effect of simultaneous contradiction between desires and needs. The article provides structural and typological model of internal conflict in personality and specifies the definition of the term “internal personal conflict”.
Authors and Affiliations
T. M. Shapran
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