Student Engagement in Social Entrepreneurship: A Constellation of Five Case Studies

Journal Title: Science and Education a New Dimension - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 120


This paper is a compilation of five case studies related to engagement of university students in social entrepreneurship. These case studies were conducted as a part of Change- Making Institute Award competition. It was a joint project of National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan; Youth Engagement Services (YES) Network Pakistan; British Council and Proskills UK. There were five teams of students who belonged to Department of Education. It was a five week project in which each team was given five thousand Pakistani Rupees from YES Network Pakistan. Each team was supposed to invest this amount in community betterment activi- ties (either selling services or selling products) and generate some money as well. The findings revealed that this competition contributed positively both in terms of social and economic value creation.

Authors and Affiliations

Din Dr. Marium


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How To Cite

Din Dr. Marium (2017). Student Engagement in Social Entrepreneurship: A Constellation of Five Case Studies. Science and Education a New Dimension, 0(120), 74-76.