
У статті досліджені питання субкультур у культурно-філософському контексті. Зокрема, автор торкається питань вивчення сучасних субкультур, а в їх складі – проблем парадигми загальної теорії та історії субкультур у постмодерному дискурсі. Some issues of subculture in the philosophical and culturological aspects are analyzed in the article. In particular, the author touches upon the issues of the study and systematization of modern subcultures and in their composition – the problems of a subculture paradigm, a general subculture theory and history in the postmodern discourse. The aim of this paper is to study the phenomenon of a subcultural theory as a special discourse from the perspective of theoretical reflection of the philosophy of culture. Subcultural theory studies the processes and phenomena in cultural life, which relate to the discourse of subcultural perspective, but they are not limited to the subculture and its historical and theoretical models and variations. Sometimes the problems of general theory and history of subcultures and subcultural theory intersect and overlap are duplicated, because they are in adjacent planes, they are prevalent in the joint of the subcultural field and are located in the common cultural space (e.g. the evolution of subculture and its prospects, subculture in the context of civilizational development and its historical aspect, the theory of subcultures and the evolutionary theory, the theory of counter-cultures and revolutionary development). The subcultural theory is not restricted to theorizing and opens onto practical and mega - and metatheoretical levels (subculture as elements of civilizational transformations, the founders of cultural processes, the subcultural theory of civilization, and in a broad interpretation – the subcultural theory of culture, and the like). The subcultural theory of civilization is consistent with the well-established axiom of humanities: civilization was formed at the stage of human development when vabulas socio-cultural stratification had been based on the specificity of subcultures. Moreover, the subcultural theory of civilization confirms this scientific thesis. Even during the discussion in 1958 in Chicago, scientists have proposed three main signs of civilization as a cultural complex: the monumental architecture, the written language and the cities. In the broader view, more professional, class and other (essentially proto - and sub-cultural) stratification of society into classes occurred. Specialization and diversity of society created the ground for reflection not only on the subculture of professions and different classes, but also on subcultural analysis. The resemblance of “class” and “subcultural” theories have important differences, including evolutionary problems (wider in-, K-, and convoluting) and revolutionary models of development. The subcultural theory suggests competition, rivalry and struggle, but does not advocate violence. Subcultural approach also takes into account the fact that progress can only be forward and not “fortunately” but, instead, to the decline and regress. The subcultural theory holds priority in sociocultural evolution, however, having as basis a countercultural component; it cannot completely deny the revolutionary factor. To a certain extent, the subcultural theory occurs in certain civilizational (wider – cultural) ruptures as of subcultural theory of development (progress). Subcultural analysis is one of the indicators, interpreters and Vitaclinika for a better understanding of subcultural theories of civilization and culture. The subcultural theory of civilization (in its wider interpretation – the subcultural theory of culture) is one of the original national theories, which has significant theoretical basis (including various theories of subcultures of various authors of the twentieth century) and historical origins (the chronology of the existence of subcultures and the like). In the postmodern discourse there is a need for comprehensive, impartial and thorough study of the problems of the general theory of history and subculture that is quite a promising research (as an example – the development of subcultures in the world). It has been found that Ukrainian scientists were engaged in the study of subcultures for more than one decade; there are different definitions of categorical parameters and interpretation of the essence of many subcultures. At the same time, the theory and history of subculture as well as the theory and history of culture is possible (and, in our view, should be) be analyzed in the context of, at least, history, philosophy and arts. The general theory of subcultures can be regarded as an interdisciplinary field of knowledge: as a historical reality, as a phenomenon of art, as a problem in the context of sociology and many other disciplines. The study confirmed that subculture can be learned through the prism of legal, educational, psychological, philological and other research. This paper makes an attempt to show the concept of subcultures domination as an important part of the subcultures concept for better understand the entire diversity of cultural processes and trends. The author explores the phenomenon of the subcultural theory as a special discourse from the perspective of theoretical reflection of the philosophy of culture, the importance and peculiarities of this theory and its specificity in the examples of the subcultural theory of civilization, of subcultural analysis and some other pressing questions of the theory of modern culture in their philosophical context. The practical significance. The formation of the concept of subcultures is based on the research of dominant subcultures, which promote the development of interest in Ukrainian culture of the world. General theory and history of subcultures have become a leading humanities section, which can effect its consideration in various contexts (but primarily in a culturological one). The foundation, the core of the general theory of history and subcultures have become the dominant subculture, specific subcultures (and other cultural) and the mainstream kind of “gulf stream”. At the same time, it is important to realize not only the features of different subcultures; many people understand that being a Ukrainian is happiness and responsibility.

Authors and Affiliations

Vitaly Radzievskii


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How To Cite

Vitaly Radzievskii (2016). СУБКУЛЬТУРНА ТЕОРІЯ У ФІЛОСОФСЬКОМУ КОНТЕКСТІ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія, 6(11), 38-46. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-432336