Сучасні міграційні процеси в Європейському Союзі: основні чинники та наслідки


Today, all members of the international community are faced with common global challenges, among which there is international migration. This phenomenon has trans-border nature, affects the interests of all states and needs to develop a unified strategy and policy. For this very reason it is important to identify the main causes and factors that cause international migration in this particular twenty-first century. In addition, we define and review the main problems and consequences of migration for countries receiving immigrants and the countries in which there is outflow abroad. The purpose of the article is to determine the causes and consequences of the 21st century migration processes for further development of new approaches, flexible policies and quick action from the governments of all countries. For the achievement of the put aim approach of the systems, scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, was used. As a result of the expansion and unification of national databases we have the opportunity to conduct research that reveal the trends of international migration. This paper examined the concept of international migration, and the main factors and the influences that cause international migration. Analyzing all the factors, we assume that it is political factors will be the driving force behind international migration and global destabilization. Particularly there are important the conflicts in the Middle East, Southeast and South Asia and the former Soviet Union. We examined the geography and directions of international migrations. Analyzing the geography, we used the Index Human Development Index, which most clearly presents a brief on the current map migration. There is no doubt about the seriousness of the problems faced by European governments as a result of the current surge in international migration. Of particular concern there is the significant level of illegal migration, which requires new approaches, flexible and fast policy action by all governments. The scale of this issue requires the development of new legal, practical and moral waste on the territory of the EU to be more effective and humane than before. Besides the strategy on illegal migration, the EU recognizes the necessity to work with immigrants who have already arrived and settled to the Member States. The European Council has adopted the strategy «Europe 2020» and the five main objectives, among them – the promotion of social integration in order to eliminate at least 20 million people from the risk of poverty or social exclusion. There is no doubt that in the light of current political, economic, social and environmental developments, the world is waiting for a series of challenges, changing religious, racial and cultural characteristics of each country and repeated changes of the demographic map of Europe and the world. The scientific novelty of this work consists in concentrating on the special aspects of migration in the particular 21st century, and also in relation to modern military conflicts, ensuring the unity of qualitative analysis of geographic and quantitative changes and determining the prospects for further behavior of the process under consideration. Prospects for further research on the topic of work - further development of new approaches, flexible policies and quick action from the governments of all countries.

Authors and Affiliations

Irina Steblianko, O. O. Kozych


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  • EP ID EP193522
  • DOI 10.15421/181708
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How To Cite

Irina Steblianko, O. O. Kozych (2017). Сучасні міграційні процеси в Європейському Союзі: основні чинники та наслідки. Вісник Дніпропетровського університету.Світове господарство і міжнародні економічні відносини, 25(9), 90-105. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-193522