Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія - Year 2016, Vol 6, Issue 11
У статті проаналізовані погляди на проблему свободи і відповідальності у класичній та некласичній філософії. Розглянута проблема свободи вибору та відповідальності особистості у рамках «людина – система» на прикладі «Стенфордського тюремного експерименту» П. Зимбардо. Досліджено умови дегуманізованих соціальних ситуацій та дії людині, що зберігають її як особистість. In the article the problem of correlation between freedom and responsibility in the context of social situation which causes dehumanization of human relations has been analyzed. Personal abilities in social situations which provoke alienation and make people to ignore humanistic norms of life have been investigated. The views of the representatives of classic and non-classic philosophers on the problem of freedom and necessity, freedom and responsibility have been analyzed. It has been emphasized that the problem of freedom and responsibility implicitly existed in the ideas of many thinkers from Antiquity to Modern has been actualized in moral philosophy of I. Kant who stressed the imperative status of personal choice and individual responsibility. German classics spread the notion of freedom also on the sphere of political life. But the central place the problem of freedom and responsibility was given by the representatives of existentialism – S. Kierkegaard, J.-P. Sartre, E. Fromm and other thinkers. From their point of view the exterior is situated in the inner subjective experience but at the same time it stays open to the exterior as a source of new opportunities. It has been pointed out the fact that postmodern philosophy accepts the principle of responsibility as a precondition of choice of a way of existence and persists on human responsibility even for absence of answers. The problem of free will and responsibility in the opposition “man – system” has been illustrated by The Stanford prison experiment Ph. Zimbardo. The preconditions of dehumanized social situations and personal actions have been analyzed. It has been concluded that the System creates situational forces which change moral principles of people and have real power. In the context of war between social subjects it is impossible to avoid dehumanized relations which form destructive actions. In the same time axiological orientations which had been assimilated by a person in the past influence on the projections of the future and help to withstand to the process of dehumanization. Human ability to moral and immoral behavior is a basis to both individual free will and great responsibility for one’s free choose. It has been stressed that only the philosophy of a dialogue which denies violence as a method of solve of social and political problems is able to prevent a society from dehumanization and preserve authentic human relationships.
Authors and Affiliations
Natalia Yemelyanova
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