Tak zwane samogłoski nosowe w języku dzieci i młodzieży (na przykładzie polszczyzny mówionej uczniów z Bełchatowa)


The presented article is to determine the pronunciation spread of nasal vowels ę and M in the youngest generation of Belchatow’s people. They have been grouped by taking into consideration their age and social origin. In read texts the variable (ę), in word-final position in the language of the most of children being tested, was fulfilled as the variable [e]. Only in the case of working-class children the variable [ę] has occurred, which is explained by the writing influence on pronunciation. In spoken texts, the non-nasal variable [e] was in the ascendant. The variable (M), in its final position, in read texts was usually pronounced under canon of the nasal variable (M). In the same position, the nasal vowel [M] was the most common in spoken texts. However, the youngest communicants of working-class origin has made a combination [om], which can be a result of dialect pronunciation of Northern and Southern Poland being spread onto the central part of Poland. There has been many forms of hypercorrection of both (ę) and (M), in the discussed stand. On the grounds of the carried out research, it can be ascertained that, in both, read and spoken texts, age and social origin of respondents did not have any influence on the frequency of appearance of nasal vowels -ę and -M in mid-word position.

Authors and Affiliations

Ewa Kluba


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Ewa Kluba (2015). Tak zwane samogłoski nosowe w języku dzieci i młodzieży (na przykładzie polszczyzny mówionej uczniów z Bełchatowa). Rozprawy Komisji Językowej Łódzkiego Towarzystwa Naukowego, 0(), 99-109. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-332244