Temporal changes of sediment dynamics within the Nairobi River sub-basins between 1998–2006 time scale, Kenya
Journal Title: Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW. Land Reclamation - Year 2010, Vol 42, Issue 1
The city of Nairobi is the heart of both industrial production and the economic hub in Kenya and the Eastern Africa region. The city of Nairobi and its environs are drained by three streams, namely: Nairobi, Mathare and Ngong rivers. These streams drain areas of diverse land use activities. The land use changes in a spatial manner from the rich agricultural system through residential cum urban to industrial. The significance of these various land use systems to pollutants generation, pollution, sediment generation and hence water pollution and quality degradation is quite enormous and worth investigation. The land use changes in a spatial manner making the basin ideal for a temporal variation of sediments yields along the river profile and their impacts on the water quality status. This paper examines the results of study carried out within the basins in the years 1998–2006. The method of study involved water sampling and laboratory analysis to reveal the trends in sediment load increases downstream the investigated streams. Soil samples were also investigated to determine their relationship to soil erosion rates and sediment fluxes. The study attempts further to find the best sediment management strategies in reversing their increasing trends and restoring water quality within the basin.
Authors and Affiliations
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