Тенденції розвитку пивоварної галузі в Західній Волині (1921 - 1939 рр.)


The article analyzes the development trends of the brewing industry as a segment of the economy in westernVolyn in the interwar period. It was shown fighting negative impact on the economic life of the region during the First World War. As a result, brewing suffered from material damage and the hop plantations were destroyed. It was decreased hops plantation in Volyn: in Dubno district – 60%, Lutsk – 80%, Kremenets – about 50%, Rivne – 20%. Ostrog was affected the most, there were destroyed almost all the big plantations of hops. The only quality hops plantation remained in White Krynytsia Kremenets district, which belonged field crops school. As a result, in Volyn there was a decrease of the number of hop products to 25% of pre-war volume. In 1921 the territory of Western Volyn integrated into the revived Second Commonwealth. The change of power has given new impetus to the industrial development of the region, a significant proportion of which took the food industry. It was shown the revival of brewing industry in Volyn: Khmilnyk laying, installation of Brewing manufacturing, search of outlet. It was investigated the cultivation of hops in the counties as one of the main components in the brewing industry. It was illuminated that dynamic increase of hop plantations in the world has led to a surplus of hops on the world market. As a result, since 1928 there has been an active decrease in the areas of Khmilnyk, which amounted 18% of the global area. It was marked crisis in Poland the most, because hops plantations increase occurred in the country during the global surplus of the product. The economies which have not very big areas appeared in crisis situation as a whole budget spent on breeding and laying of new plantations of hops. It was indicated about area reduction of hops farms in Poland to 30% of the total. It was illuminated activity one of the largest companies – Rivne brewery «Berhshlos». Articles analyzes its manufacturing facilities in a competitive environment for markets products as well as the dynamics of the plant during the 1921-1939years. It was motivated active search of Volyn beer outlets in the domestic and international markets and implementation of economic brewers. slogan «Gain on world markets products «Made in Poland».

Authors and Affiliations

Serhii Fedorchuk


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How To Cite

Serhii Fedorchuk (2016). Тенденції розвитку пивоварної галузі в Західній Волині (1921 - 1939 рр.). Науковий вісник Чернівецького національного університету імені Юрія Федьковича. Історія, 2(), 65-71. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-205353