The paper assumes opposition between statics and dynamics of science. By science we mean primarily the empirical sciences, especially the natural science(s) or the mathematical natural sciences. The selection of categori...
Guiltiness is an important factor in the moral development of man. It is an integral part of the development of human personality. In the modern world the religious guiltiness, associated with a relationship to God is of...
EP ID EP190521
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Rafał Główczyński (2015). Teologiczna krytyka obrazu Kościoła w tygodniku „Newsweek”. Studia Salvatoriana Polonica, 9(),
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The paper assumes opposition between statics and dynamics of science. By science we mean primarily the empirical sciences, especially the natural science(s) or the mathematical natural sciences. The selection of categori...
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Guiltiness is an important factor in the moral development of man. It is an integral part of the development of human personality. In the modern world the religious guiltiness, associated with a relationship to God is of...