Теоретико-прикладні аспекти охорони та захисту корпоративних прав держави
Journal Title: Форум права - Year 2018, Vol 51, Issue 3
Розглянуті поняття та специфіка корпоративних прав держави, співвідношення дефініцій "корпоративні права" та "корпоративні права держави". Проведено аналіз чинного законодавства України, регулюючого питання управління корпоративними правами держави, їх охорони та захисту. Виявлені особливості охорони та захисту корпоративних прав держави на відміну від захисту корпоративних прав суб’єктів приватного сектору. Розглянута ефективність існуючого механізму охорони та захисту корпоративних прав держави. Виявлені недоліки існуючі у чинному механізмі охорони та захисту корпоративних прав держави. Запропоновано ряд заходів щодо підвищення ефективності механізму охорони та захисту корпоративних прав держави. Рассмотрены понятие и специфика корпоративных прав государства, соотношение дефиниций "корпоративные права" и "корпоративные права государства". Проведен анализ действующего законодательства Украины, регулирующего вопросы управления корпоративными правами государства, их охраны и защиты. Выявлены особенности охраны и защиты корпоративных прав государства в отличие от защиты корпоративных прав субъектов частного сектора. Рассмотрена эффективность существующего механизма охраны и защиты корпоративных прав государства. Выявлены недостатки, существующие в действующем механизме охраны и защиты корпоративных прав государства. Предложен ряд мер по повышению эффективности механизма охраны и защиты корпоративных прав государства. Currently, an interest in research of peculiarities of the institutional mechanism of the state corporate rights’ protection is increasing, considering that the state regulates corporate relations and establishes the norms of corporate rights protection. Whereas there is no systematic analysis of the state corporate rights protection and defence on the pages of legal literature, this does not make it possible to outline the general provisions of the state corporate rights’ protection, their specificity in re-viewing measures and the distinctive characteristics of corporate rights protection in private sector entities. The purpose of this paper is to analyze and clarify the specifics, peculiarities, and effectiveness of the existing mechanism of the state corporate rights’ protection and defence. This paper defines the following main provisions, which are the methodological principles of the definition of the state corporate rights and the essence of the mechanism of their protection: the category "corporate rights of the state" should be considered as the powers that the state receives as a result of acquiring the status of the founder (participant, shareholder) by forming an authorized capital, the share of which is determined by it; the principles of corporate rights’ protection and defence are manifested in corporate governance (general meeting, supervisory board, board, audit commission), the effectiveness and reliability of which is a consequence of protection, and in case of violation – defence of the rights and interests of the state as a holder of corporate right. The specifics of the state corporate rights’ protection in contrast to the corporate rights protection in private sector entities, is defined in this paper. This specific consists not only of special methods of protection but also in the particular nature of organizational and property measures of protection and defence. First of all, such measures are connected with the conditions of corporate rights management, special requirements for the persons who carry out such management and their election (passing of the relevant competition), the special representative institution, the special procedure for coordinating the tasks for voting, quarterly reporting to the State Property Fund, taking into account the property rights of the state to its corporate rights, in coordination with the relevant state body of the financial plan of the company, observance of the approved criteria of management efficiency of the state corporate rights; a special procedure for the coordination of plans for reorganization, peace agreements, alienation of assets in cases of bankruptcy, holding auctions etc. However, the existing mechanism of the state corporate rights’ protection and defence needs further improvement and increase its efficiency. This can be done, in particular, by adopting relevant laws, taking into account the recommendations of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development on the implementation of the principles of effective corporate governance of state-owned enterprises.
Authors and Affiliations
О. В. Бігняк
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