The analysis of the cause of thromboembolism in children
Journal Title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych - Year 2013, Vol 26, Issue 9
Introduction. Thrombosis occurs much less frequently in children than in adults.Aim. 1. To identify causes of thromboembolism in children. 2. To determine risk factors of thrombosis in children. 3. To assess results of treatment of thromboembolism in children.Material and methods. We analyzed 70 cases (32 boys, 38 girls) in children referred to the Department in 2007-2012 due to thrombosis. All patients were assessed: age at onset, location and cause of the clot. All analyzed patients underwent screening for congenital thrombophilia.Results. Age of thrombosis was from the first week of life to 17 years, median 6.5 years. Arterial thrombosis occurred in 11 (16%), venous in 59 (84%) patients. Thrombi were localized mostly in the deep veins of the extremities (n = 27, 38%) and venous sinuses central nervous system (n = 15, 21%). The most common causes of thrombosis were: congenital thrombophilia (n = 27, 39%), infection (n = 15, 21%), surgery (n = 14, 20%), thrombocythemia was found in 2 (3%) patients. 2 patients had hyperhomocysteinemia. 6 (8%) patients had no underlying cause thrombosis. The patients with congenital thrombophilia (n = 27, 39%) had the following defects: protein S deficiency in 7 (26%), protein C deficiency in 4 (15%), antithrombin deficiency in 7 (26%), prothrombin gene mutation in 3 patients (11%), and mutation of the factor V Leiden in 6 (22%) patients. 8 patients with thrombophilia performed an additional risk factor for thrombosis.Conclusions.1. The most common location of thrombosis in children are deep veins of the limbs.2. The most common causes of thrombosis in this age group are: inherited thrombophilia, infection and surgery.3. In all paediatric patients with thrombosis diagnostic tests in the direction of congenital thrombophilia are indicated.
Authors and Affiliations
Katarzyna Smalisz-Skrzypczyk, Anna Klukowska, Michał Matysiak
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