The effects of transfer day in intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) pregnancies on first trimester screening test results
Journal Title: Health Sciences Journal of Adıyaman University - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 3
Objects To compare first trimester screning serum markers free β-human chorionic gonodotropin (free β-hCG and pregnancy associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A) of blastocyst versus cleavage stage embryo transfers after assisted reproductive technologies (ART) . Methods Retrospective analysis of 123 women who conceived with ART undergone first-trimester screening between January 2017 and December 2017 at Bahçeşehir University Göztepe Medical Park Hospital IVF Unit. The age, gestational week, ultrasound markers and biochemistry markers (PAPP- A,free β-hCG) were collected. Results were considered significant when the p value was less than 0.05. Statistical Package For Social Sciences (SPSS) version 17.0 for Windows was used for statistical analysis. Results PAPP-A levels were significantly lower in day-3 (cleavage stage embryos) transfer intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) pregnancies compared to day-5 (blastocyst stage embryos) transfer ICSI pregnancies (p<0.05). Free β-hCG levels weren’t significantly differ in two groups (p=0.371). NT was unaffected by the day of transfer (p=0.21). Also CRL wasn’t affected by the day of transfer (p=0.693). No differences appeared between day-3 and day-5 embryo transfer with respect to maternal age ,(p=0.616) weight (p=0.693) and gestational age (p=0.742) at sampling. Conclusion Today, the data on the effect of ART on the components of first trimester combined screening for chromosomal analysis are still controversial. Day-3 ICSI pregnancies had significantly lower PAPP-A levels supporting the need to appropriately adjust the combined first trimester screening (cFTS) risk algoritm. These results may be due to alterations in the placentation of ART pregnancies.
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