The efficiency of using of Alfasorb in piglets feeding


Mycotoxins cause severe diseases in organisms of human and animals. They are difficult to diagnose, cause great economic damage. Sorbents are able to effectively bind and remove from the body through the digestive tract with a therapeutic or prophylactic purpose various endogenous and ekzogenous substances, microorganisms and they toxins, supermolecular structures and cells. The aim of the work is to study the effectiveness of use of Alfasorb for the neutralization of mixed fodders affected by mycotoxins and they impact on blood’s indexes and productive qualities of piglets of Large White Breed. Experience was con-ducted on 30 ty piglets. Animals of the control group received mixed feed that was produced in the condi-tions of the farm. The pigs of experimental group in addition to the basic diet received Alfasorb. We deter-mined blood’s indexes for study the effect of feed additive Alfasorb on the physiological state of animals at 4 months of age. A morphological and histological study of liver was carried out. The analysis of the average daily weight gain of piglets showed that it was higher in period of growth in the animals of experimental group. In the animals of the experimental groups there was an increase in the number of red blood cells in comparison with the control. An unreliable decrease in blood serum levels which characterize the level of intermediate metabolism of proteins in the body (content of urea, creatinine and common bilirubin) was established in the animals of the experimental group as compared to the control group respectively by 22.83% ( td = 0.98, P ≤ 0.05), 7.12% (td = 1.92, P ≤ 0.05) and by 20.54% (td = 0.86, P ≤ 0.05). Most hepatocytes had large nucleus and intense color of the cytoplasm. This indicates the absence of alterative processes in the body. The results of the studies make it possible to assert that the inclusion the 0.2% Al-fasorb to the compound of feed which contaminated with mycotoxins significantly reduces their negative effect on the piglets organism, has a positive effect on the growth rate, on the course of metabolic processes, also it promotes an increase in the liver of medium-sized hepatocyte nuclei, stimulates biosynthetic processes in that cells and ensures the formation of a full structure of histohematological barriers in the organism

Authors and Affiliations

O. P. Reshetnychenko, O. T. Piven, E. U. Rozum, V. I. Savshenko, A. I. Levinsky, A. V. Kovalenko, V. V. Voronyak


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  • EP ID EP415831
  • DOI 10.32718/nvlvet8822
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How To Cite

O. P. Reshetnychenko, O. T. Piven, E. U. Rozum, V. I. Savshenko, A. I. Levinsky, A. V. Kovalenko, V. V. Voronyak (2018). The efficiency of using of Alfasorb in piglets feeding. Науковий вісник Львівського національного університету ветеринарної медицини та біотехнологій імені С.З. Гжицького, 20(88), 120-124.