The experience of the United Kingdom in the development of national AML and anti-corruption systems in Ukraine: comparative scientific research
Journal Title: Вісник Національної академії прокуратури України - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 4
The UK is one of the world’s most open countries. Its economic level is built on extensive and productive relationships across the globe. However, the UK open status as of a global finance center leads to the risk of illicit financial flows. Combating money laundering and corruption prevention – general globe tendency. The USA has also got the documents of strategical importance to provide the tax policy. Financial authorities of Ukraine, the UK, and the USA are the participants of the system to counteract to money laundering and financing terrorism both at national and international levels. The purpose of the article is to study the UK experience to develop Ukrainian AML and anticorruption system. In 2015–2016, the UK and Ukraine published first ever national risk assessment of money laundering and terrorist financing, setting out candidly the areas where action was needed. Our legislation is constantly supplemented with the provisions on combating money laundering, which are in line with international standards. Changes in the suspicious transaction reporting and supervisory regime are conducted both in the UK and in Ukraine. The UK aggressively pursues money laundering and terrorist financing investigations and prosecutions, achieving 1400 convictions each year for money laundering. UK law enforcement authorities have powerful tools to obtain beneficial ownership and other information, including through effective public-private partnerships, and make good use of this information in their investigations. Some key authorities were established in Ukraine, including the National Agency of Ukraine for finding, tracing and management of assets derived from corruption and other crimes. The functions of the Agency (the ARMA) are understandable for most countries of the world, but absolutely new in the system of state authorities of Ukraine. The UK has got special legislation, the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (POCA). Ukraine has been proactive in seeking international co‐operation through outgoing MLA requests with regards to investigations of domestic ML or other major predicate crimes. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the current lack of court decisions on the confiscation of seized assets is connected with the ongoing pre‐trial investigations into relevant criminal proceedings, since the investigated crimes are complex, requiring a large amount of investigative and other procedural actions. Consequently, an important aspect of the Ukrainian system’s operation is the exchange of information. The UK provides unique opportunities for international cooperation on cases and enhancing international public/private information sharing. The UK courts can also issue an order to freeze or confiscate this property. The UK has significantly strengthened its AML/CFT framework since its last evaluation particularly in relation to operational co-ordination among law enforcement agencies, stronger investigative tools, mechanisms to facilitate public/private information sharing. This is especially important on the basis that Ukraine should show progress in the formation of a new national legislator AML/CFT, in particular when adopting the basic Law to implement EU Directive 2015/849 2015.
Authors and Affiliations
ANTON CHUBENKO, Doctor of Law, Professor
Засуджений та особа, яка відбуває покарання, як суб’єкти ухилення від відбування покарання, не пов’язаного з позбавленням волі: нотатки на полях судового рішення
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