The Generic Structure of Self-Help Book Blurbs
Journal Title: Science and Education a New Dimension - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 136
The present research investigates the generic (rhetorical, move) structure of blurb sections in motivational self-help books. The structure is represented by four rhetorical moves (identified on the basis of semantic and functional criteria), namely book description, book promotion, information about the author and website/blog. Each of these moves is realized by means of certain rhetorical steps (rhetorical strategies that realize a particular communicative intention at the level of a move) and has its own communicative goal. The goals of four moves constitute the communicative purpose of self-help blurbs, namely to persuade the potential addressee to read/buy the book. The frequency of book description (100%) and book promotion (86%) moves is noticeable. Accordingly, two distinctive features of blurbs as a paratextual element and as an individual genre are information and persuasion. Although book description is the most fre- quent rhetorical move in the generic structure of self-help blurbs, these texts can undoubtedly be called evaluative and persuasive ones as evaluative language is vital even to the description of the book (which is mainly the summary of the book content).
Authors and Affiliations
Yu. Ya. Godis
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