The paper presents general information about the EFQM model and the Competition for Wielkopolska Quality Award (WNJ) and their importance in the implementation of TQM. Characteristics of excellence model has been extende...
This paper presents review of portfolio optimization. Portfolio weights which maximize expected utility function or minimize portfolio variance are compared and relation between them is shown. The problem of estimation o...
Głównym sposobem spędzania wolnego czasu są podróże i turystyka, dlatego też prawidłowa i nowoczesna promocja ośrodków turystycznych w tym ośrodków miejskich, odgrywa bardzo ważną rolę w rozwoju lokalnej gospodarki. Mias...
The poor, socially and financially excluded, many times without a collateral shall be rejected by commercial banks. One way to integrate them into society are microfinance, treated as financial services for the poo...
This article presents issues regarding mandatory bids on Polish capital market. The first chapter describes the regulations of the Directive on Takeover Bids as the main instrument of European law regarding the iss...
EP ID EP127362
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How To Cite
Katarzyna Śmietana (2014). The idea of responsible property investment (RPI) in property development activity. Zarządzanie i Finanse, 12(4),
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Perception of the EFQM excellence model application in terms of market success
The paper presents general information about the EFQM model and the Competition for Wielkopolska Quality Award (WNJ) and their importance in the implementation of TQM. Characteristics of excellence model has been extende...
Portfolio weights
This paper presents review of portfolio optimization. Portfolio weights which maximize expected utility function or minimize portfolio variance are compared and relation between them is shown. The problem of estimation o...
Promocja produktu turystycznego na przykładzie miasta Gdańska
Głównym sposobem spędzania wolnego czasu są podróże i turystyka, dlatego też prawidłowa i nowoczesna promocja ośrodków turystycznych w tym ośrodków miejskich, odgrywa bardzo ważną rolę w rozwoju lokalnej gospodarki. Mias...
Group loans and joint and several liability as a basis for microfinance
The poor, socially and financially excluded, many times without a collateral shall be rejected by commercial banks. One way to integrate them into society are microfinance, treated as financial services for the poo...
Polish mandatory bid regulations and the detriment of minority shareholders
This article presents issues regarding mandatory bids on Polish capital market. The first chapter describes the regulations of the Directive on Takeover Bids as the main instrument of European law regarding the iss...