The Importance of Higher Education Institutions in the Republic of Serbia for Improving Key Competencies in the 21st Century
Journal Title: Nastava i vaspitanje/ Studies in Teaching and Education - Year 2024, Vol 73, Issue 2
In a turbulent and increasingly demanding labor market, the gap between the demand for skilled workers and the supply of qualified job seekers is evident. The authors aimed to identify crucial competencies for the 21st century that should be actively developed in higher education institutions. The research sample consisted of 137 participants from two private universities in the Republic of Serbia. The study found a strong correlation between certain competencies developed during studies and those developed independently of studies. Additionally, students with developed research skills exhibited greater information management skills. Factor analysis results supported the division of skills into two component groups. The first group, associated with static competencies, refers to an individual’s innate cognitive ability to effectively manage and understand various behaviors. The second group, associated with dynamic competencies, depends on external influences to ensure their effective application.
Authors and Affiliations
Penjišević Aleksandraa, Sančanin Branislav, Simjanović Dušan, Ranđelović Branislav
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