The lack of a modifying effect of terbuthylazine on mammary carcinogenesis induced by polycyclic hydrocarbon — 7,12–dimethyl–benz[a]anthracene in rats
Journal Title: Український журнал сучасних проблем токсикології - Year 2017, Vol 77, Issue 1
Objective. To evaluate the possibility of promoter Terbuthylazine action on mammary carcinogenesis induced by poly-cyclic hydrocarbon — 7,12-dibenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) in female Wistar Han rats. Materials and Мethods. The experiments were performed in 60 Wistar Han female rats with a body weight of 105–125 g, 45 of which were initiated by DMBA, and 15 served as a control for study of the effect of Terbuthylazine. Initiation was performed in accordance with the protocol of Anderson L.E., 1999. DMBA was administered intragastrically as a 2,5 % oil solution in a dose of 50 mg/kg of body weight daily for 4 weeks. After a one-week break, Terbuthylazine was administered intragastrically on a daily basis in the doses of 0,3 mg/kg and 30,0 mg/kg of body weight, corresponding to the inactive and active level by a carcinogenic effect. In the control group, Terbuthylazine was administered in the dose of 30 mg/kgfor DMBA effect. Terbuthylazine administration duration —16 weeks. During the experiment, clinical studies were conducted. The general condition of animals, their body weight and weight gain, the time of tumour nodes appearance, their number and area were estimated. After necropsy, a macroscopic and a histological examination was performed. Tumours number, their sizes, histological type and metastases presence were determined. Results. Terbuthylazine had no toxic effect on the body of rats, which had not been initiated by DMBA. In groups of rats initiated by DMBA, equal mortality of animals (13 %) was observed before tumours appearance. Terbuthylazine at a dose of 30 mg/kg caused higher mortality (14 % higher) of animals with tumours and reduced their lifetime in comparison with the control and a low dose. There was no difference in the overall dynamics of changes in the mean group parameters of body weight, body weight gain, and its cumulative gain in rats on Terbuthylazine compared to the control. Statistically significant data on changes in tumour incidence, duration of the latent period of their appearance, the number of tumour nodes, their growth, localisation, and degree of malignancy, indicative of a promoter Terbuthylazine action on mammary carcinogenesis, were not observed. Conclusion. Terbuthylazine has no promoter action on DMBA-induced mammary carcinogenesis in rats.
Authors and Affiliations
N. M. Nedopytanska, E. A. Bagley, O. V. Reshavska, L. V. Tkachenko
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