The Law of the Love in Ibn Dāwūd Al-Zāhirī ’s Al-Zahra
Journal Title: Eskiyeni - Year 2019, Vol 39, Issue 39
One of the most distinctive features that distinguishes man from all other li-ving things is his/her extensive conversation ability. Phenomenon of love, which is the ultimate summit of this characteristic that makes it valuable, has occupied philosophers throughout human thought history. The first thinker to consider the phenomenon of love as an ontological issue Plato’s evalua-tions of love have also been reflected in early Islamic thought. Ibn Dāwūd Al-Ẓāhirī al-Iṣfahānī’s work al-Zahra is accepted as the first attempt to pass Pla-to's philosophy of love to the Islamic world. The author has written a work of authenticity that will inspire the Arab literati and thinkers to follow in style. This article will examine Ibn Dāwūd Al-Ẓāhirī al-Iṣfahānī’s work in terms of form and content. In the introductory part, general information about the philosophy of love will be given. After that, the work will be examined in terms of form; an analysis of the sources of poetry applied by the author. Then, the context and perspective of love” discussed in the work will be eva-luated.
Authors and Affiliations
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