The role of elective coronary bypass grafting early after acute myocardial infarction in patients initially treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention
Journal Title: Polski Przegląd Kardiologiczny - Year 2006, Vol 8, Issue 4
Introduction: It is well established that percutaneous coronary inten/ention (PCI) in the first hours after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is the optimal treatmentoption. This procedure minimizes necrosis, leading to better early and late survival. In case of multivessel coronary artery disease, PCI is also performed very often as the second step of treatment. However, these interventions may be not sufficient in all patients to achieve complete myocardial revascularisation. Aim of study: The subject of this study were patients with AMI, initially treated with primary PCI, who underwent elective coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) as the next step of treatment. We tried to determine the baseline characteristics of this subgroup as well to estimate operative surgical risk using the standard and logistic EuroSCORE. Material, methods and results: Coronary angiography was performed in 1867 consecutive patients within 12 hours of onset of AMI followed by primary PCI when appropriate. Elective (CABG) was performed in 85 patients (4.6%). Patients requiring surgery were older, and more frequently had diabetes, hypertension and 3-vessel disease than those managed nonoperatively. The mean standard EuroSCORE calculated for the whole group was 4.78±2.82 while logistic EuroSCORE was 5.31±8.14%. The patients were operated on 40.9±24.55 day after infarction and the number of grafts per patient was 2.93±0.82. The operative mortality was low (3.5%). All patients, who died we reclassified to highest risk group with EuroSCORE index above 10. Conclusions 1. Patients with AMI, initially treated with primary PCI, requiring CABG as the second step of treatment have higher coronary risk than those managed nonoperatively. 2. CABG can be performed safely early after AMI in patients initially treated with primary PCI.
Authors and Affiliations
Marzena Zielińska, Izabela Plesiewicz, Andrzej Walczak, Włodzimierz Koniarek, Ryszard Jaszewski, Janusz Zasłonka, Jan Henryk Goch
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