The role of nurse in education environment in creating health attitudes of students
Journal Title: Pielęgniarstwo XXI wieku - Year 2012, Vol 11, Issue 4
[b]Introduction.[/b] Challenges faced by an individual in the contemporary world, civilization diseases and adverse health trends make the work of representatives of health care and of all those who deal with health, extremely important. A special role is assigned to all nurses and midwives every day dealing with the health of their clients in different stages of their life and health. Protecting the value of health and increasing its potential is the idea, which is found in the professions of a nurse, midwife and doctor. Until recently, participation in health care was associated mainly with the use of services in a passive way, but now, it is also taking responsibility for their own health and of other people, and active participation in creating an environment conductive to health. Creating health awareness of the society, based on the belief that lifestyle is a major, modifiable determinant of health, increases human activities for health. A driving force for these activities can be the health care professionals with particular emphasis on the nurses. School education is an essential element of preparing young people for active participation in social life, conscious and responsible for making choices, including health. An important part of this process will be the health education, the implementer of which, besides the family, teachers and educators, is nurse in education environment, as the only professionally trained health worker in the school. [b]Aim. [/b]The aim of this study is to show the role of school nurse in creating healthy attitudes of students. [b]Conclusion.[/b] The nurse today is a person who is able to perform not only instrumental actions, but she is also a nutritionist, a psychologist and the educator. Interdisciplinary nature of the profession means that she has a significant respect and trust of society and is able to find common language with everyone, both adults and little patients, which is particularly important for the school nurse. While cooperating with others in the school environment, she is a health leader and initiator of educational and health promotion activities.
Authors and Affiliations
Dorota Lizak, Mariola Seń, Edyta Laska
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