The Role of the Adoption of Semantic Development in the Transfer of the Pragmatic Potential of Artistic Text (on the Example the Translation of the Novel by Jane Austen «Pride and Bias» in Ukrainian)
Journal Title: Філологічний дискурс - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 8
The articledeals with the pragmatic potential of the English fiction text and its rendering into the target language. There is a demand for pragmatic adaption during translation in order to provide equal communicative effect of the source and target texts. Rendering of the pragmatic potential is the main task of the translator, whichrequiresspecial translation skills, deep knowledge of the source language and culture it is associated with. The article provides the comparative analysis of the rendering of the pragmatic potential at the example of the novel «Pride and Prejudice» by Jane Austen in the Ukrainian translation, done by V. K. Horbatko. The author of the novel makes the language of her characters dry, restrained, without any deviation from the linguistic norms, therefore the article considers rendering of the pragmatic potential of this high literary style of the novel, as well as well-balanced and ceremonial language of its characters, through lexical transformations and focuses on the one of them, namely on the logical development, which makes it possible to reveal the necessity of meeting the linguistic norms of the target text by the translator in order to provide the adequate translation of the English fiction text.
Authors and Affiliations
Larysa Shaposhnikova
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