The search for substances with the antimicrobial activity among morpholine-containing 2-R-phenyliminothiazole derivatives
Journal Title: Журнал органічної та фармацевтичної хімії; Журнал органической и фармацевтической химии - Year 2019, Vol 17, Issue 1
The treatment of infectious diseases is one of the global problems of modern medicine. Despite the large amount of medications the problem of creation of new highly effective antimicrobials is a relevant task. This is, mainly, due to the increase of microbial resistance to the widely used antimicrobials. One of the promising ways to solve this task is the search and creation of new antimicrobial substances. Aim. To search for the substances with the antimicrobial activity among derivatives of morpholine-containing 2-R-phenyliminothiazole, namely N-[4-methyl-2-(R-phenylimino)thiazol-3-yl]-morpholine derivatives. Results and discussion. The results of the biological screening demonstrated that all compounds studied in the concentration of 1 % revealed the antibacterial and antifungal effect. It was determined that the compounds had the most pronounced antibacterial effect on gram-positive strains of microorganisms (with the average diameter of the inhibition zones of 23-27 mm) and a little less effect on gram-negative strains of microorganisms (with the average diameter of the inhibition zones of 15-25 mm). Compound 3c – N-[4-methyl-2-(2’,5’-dimethylphenylimino)thiazol-3-yl]morpholine hydrochloride showed the highest activity against all strains of microorganisms tested. Experimental part. The biological screening for the antimicrobial activity was carried out in vitro by the agar diffusion method (“wells” method). Conclusions. It has been found that N-[4-methyl-2-(R-phenylimino)thiazol-3-yl]-morpholine derivatives can be promising objects for further in-depth studies of the antimicrobial activity and for creating new effective antimicrobial drugs.
Authors and Affiliations
H. O. Yeromina, T. V. Upyr, T. P. Osolodchenko, Z. G. Ieromina, N. R. Demchenko, L. O. Perekhoda
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