Three Modes of Information Processing in Motor Control – Instinct, Intelligence and Intuition
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2007, Vol 17, Issue 39
Author points to the fact that there do not exist any unambiguous definitions of the notions like “instinct”, “intelligence” or “intuition”. It is rarely possible to formulate a fully versatile definition which would be applicable in each branch of science without adaptation. So it is natural that each branch tends to create its own terminology. However, the definition of a given notion in a given branch of science should be consistent with its common meaning as far as possible. It must not be discordant with the meaning of the same notion used in other branches of science and has to match the coherent system of terminology applied in the given branch. From the perspective of kinesiology the most important traits of “instinct”, “intuition” and “intelligence”, which have to be determined in definitions, are: Is it a species’ or an individual’s trait? What kind of activity is to be controlled? What is the way of information processing during such control? Activities may be divided into typical not demanding information processing, typical demanding information processing and untypical demanding information processing. The modes of information processing are: open loop control (feedforward control) and closed loop control (feedback control). Basing upon these premises, the author suggests specific definitions of the notions “instinct”, “intuition” and “intelligence” with special regard to the needs of kinesiology. From the definitions presented there results a special usefulness of “intuition”, which is commonly underestimated in science, motor control and learning. In this context, the precise regulations concerning the construction of articles printed in respectable scientific journals may simply inhibit the development of science.
Authors and Affiliations
Wacław Petryński
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