In this article, the author analyzes selected aspects of two dramas of Evreinov from the émigréperiod: What has no name and Citizens of the second category. One of the principles of constructingtheir theatrical space is,...
Olsztyn is an important center of emigrant-related research in Poland. The first works in this field were written at the beginning of the 1990s century. Currently, the results of research concerning the history of emigra...
In this article setting and literary decision of conflict, which appeared between war thinking and humanist thinking, are being traced through poetics, the character of development of literary- philosophic thought, which...
Obrazy (z) Arkadii. Jewreinowa sceniczne wspomnienia o Rosji
In this article, the author analyzes selected aspects of two dramas of Evreinov from the émigréperiod: What has no name and Citizens of the second category. One of the principles of constructingtheir theatrical space is,...
Роль этнокультурного компонента в семантике словa и текста при художественном переводе
Olsztyńskie badania emigrantologiczne. Historia – stan obecny – perspektywy rozwoju
Olsztyn is an important center of emigrant-related research in Poland. The first works in this field were written at the beginning of the 1990s century. Currently, the results of research concerning the history of emigra...
Мышление военное и гуманистичное в произведениях Млечны Шлях Кузьми Чорного, Pierwszy dzień wolności Леона Кручковского и Люди мы или нелюди Владимира Тендрякова
In this article setting and literary decision of conflict, which appeared between war thinking and humanist thinking, are being traced through poetics, the character of development of literary- philosophic thought, which...
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