To nie moja wina… – obraz oskarżonego usprawiedliwiającego się w tekstach protokołów przesłuchań


The aim of this study was to describe ways of justification in the language of the accused. This description is the basis for the reconstruction of the image of the accused in the texts of the interrogation protocols. The analyzed material comes from the language of case files from the Department II of Criminal District Court in Krosno. The article discusses the theoretical issues as far as they are relevant to the linguistic analysis of the material – inter alia, the issues of language and text vision of the world and the concept of text. The analysis shows that the methods of justification in the texts of the interrogation protocols are varied: the accused tend to mention the provocation, the influence of third parties and friends accomplices, events and external circumstances, which they do not control, the desire for revenge, the particular situation of their family or ignorance about the criminal character of their action, as well as the fact that their action had no negative effects, and that it happened fo the first time. They put the blame on external circumstances, beyond them, that creates their image as people passive and dependent.

Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Marszałek


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How To Cite

Joanna Marszałek (2016). To nie moja wina… – obraz oskarżonego usprawiedliwiającego się w tekstach protokołów przesłuchań. Rozprawy Komisji Językowej Łódzkiego Towarzystwa Naukowego, 0(), 69-86.