Традиційна релігійна освіта у культурних комунікативних практиках єврейського населення повітових міст та містечок Правобережної України (перша чверть ХІХ ст.)


The article suggests the analysis of traditional religious education of the Jews in the towns of Right-Bank Ukraine in the first quarter of the 19th century and is aimed at finding out one of the perspectives of educational and cultural environment formation. According to the authors definition towns educational and cultural environment is considered to be the space of spiritual communication the key points of which were educational establishments, educational and cultural institutions, and public organizations. The specific feature of the educational and cultural life of the towns population in Volyn, Podillia and Kyiv provinces was that each ethnic community (Poles, Jews, Ukrainians) created its own cultural space. The article points out that educational and cultural life of the Jewish community was organized according to the rules of Judaism and was the most isolated from other ethnic communities. This process was also influenced by the fact that the Jewish community was more numerous than other communities because Right-Bank Ukraine was within the Jewish pale of settlement. The research emphasizes that getting religious education took the main part in the communicative practices of the Jewish population. It pays attention to the great powers of qahals in organizing educational process. These institutions were aimed at preserving Jewish identity and thoroughly controlled the activities of all educational establishments both public and private. Main attention was paid to the studying in heders (schools for boys), Jewish teachers, and in senior schools. Poor Jewish children and orphans could also get elementary religious education in Talmud-Torah schools sponsored by Jewish communities. The most potential school-leavers and also those who finished heders continued education in the «Houses of Study». They functioned first of all as prayer houses and were open for all members of Jewish community as reading facilities of a kind. One could listen to the discussing of religious literature there and everybody could take part in the discussions. Basing on the published topographic descriptions of Right-Bank provinces the article gives early mentions of Jewish schools functioning at the turn of the 18th . 19th centuries in some towns and settlements of Podillia province (Balta, Mezhyriv, Mohyliv-Podilskyi, Pyliava, Stara Syniava), Volyn province (Zaslav), Kyiv province (Korsun). The article postulates that the imperial powers failed to integrate the Jewish education into the general state system of education in the first third of the 19th century. Though, according to the «Status of Jews» (1804), they were allowed to attend general town schools, but they did not use that possibility. They refused to send children to secular schools because they were afraid to lose their religious identity and consequently the support of the Jewish communities and social stability. It particularly concerned primary town schools which functioned within churches, monasteries and were connected with Christianity. The absence of the secular subjects in the Jewish schools. curricula was the obstacle for overcoming isolation of the Jewish town communities in the Right-Bank Ukraine from the surrounding world. The article mentions that Isaac Ber Levinson, who was born in Kremenets, was the apologist of secular education for Jews and the adherent of enlightenment movement called Haskala. The research shows that Haskala was not well-developed in Right-Bank Ukraine and that is why only one secular school for Jews was opened in the early 20-s of the 19th century in Uman. It did not function for a long time but this educational project demonstrated that introduction of the general subjects into the traditional forms of Jewish education could give this ethnic community more chances for cultural interaction with other towns. communities.

Authors and Affiliations

Olena Pryshchepa


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How To Cite

Olena Pryshchepa (2016). Традиційна релігійна освіта у культурних комунікативних практиках єврейського населення повітових міст та містечок Правобережної України (перша чверть ХІХ ст.). Науковий вісник Чернівецького національного університету імені Юрія Федьковича. Історія, 2(), 7-13. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-204673