Trends in the Incidence Rates of Cancer of the Tongue in the City of Belgrade - - - Trend u incidenciji karcinoma jezika i poda usne duplje na teritoriji grada Beograda

Journal Title: Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis - Year 2018, Vol 35, Issue 2


Cancers of the oral tongue (OT) and floor of the mouth (FOM) are frequently grouped together as carcinomas of the tongue and floor of the mouth (OTFOM). The incidence rate of these cancers varies worldwide from 0.1/100,000 persons a year for females in Algeria, Chile and Korea to 7.4/100,000 persons a year for men in New Delhi, India. The aim of this study was to analyze the trends in age-standardized incidence rates of oral tongue cancer in the Belgrade population during the period of past 12 years. The data were obtained from the Serbian Cancer Registry (The Registry). Age-standardized incidence rates were calculated using the direct standardization method to the world standard population and presented as an incidence rate per 100,000 persons a year. Joinpoint regression analysis was used to analyze the trends and annual percentage change (APC). The results of the joinpoint regression analysis showed an increasing trend of OT cancers for both genders, with an APC of 4.1% among men and 1.7 % among women. The incidence rate for FOM cancers increased, with an APC of 4.8% among men and 6.8% among women. Our results showed a continuously increasing incidence rate of oral tongue and floor of the mouth carcinoma in the capital of the Republic of Serbia. - - - Karcinomi jezika (KJ) i karcinomi poda usta (KPU) se u literaturi najčešće opisuju kao jedan entitet – karcinomi jezika i poda usta (KJPU). Incidencija ovih karcinoma u svetu varira od 0,1/100.000 osoba godišnje za ženski pol u Alžiru, Čileu i Koreji, do 7,4/100.000 za muškarce u oblasti Nju Delhija u Indiji. Cilj rada bio je odrediti i analizirati trend u incidenciji karcinoma jezika u populaciji glavnog grada Republike Srbije tokom dvanaestogodišnjeg perioda. Podaci o oboljenjima su dobijeni iz Registra za rak centralne Srbije. Standardizovana stopa incidencije je izračunavana korišćenjem direktne metode standardizacije, a kao standardna populacija korišćena je populacija sveta. Za analizu promena trenda incidencije i godišnjeg procenta promene korišćena je metoda regresione analize uz pomoć tačaka spajanja (eng. joinpoint regression analysis). Jointpoint regresiona analiza je pokazala povećanje trenda incidencije KJ kod oba pola u ispitivanom periodu, sa godišnjim procentom rasta od 4,1% za muškarce i 1,7% za žene. Incidencija KPU je rasla sa godišnjim procentom rasta za muškarce od 4,8% i za žene 6,6%. Stope incidencije karcinoma jezika i poda usta su u stalnom porastu u glavnom gradu Republike Srbije.

Authors and Affiliations

Vojkan Lazić, Dragan Krasić, Snežana Živković, Miloš Trajković, Vladimir Matvijenko, Slaviša Antić


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  • EP ID EP349320
  • DOI 10.2478/afmnai-2018-0011
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How To Cite

Vojkan Lazić, Dragan Krasić, Snežana Živković, Miloš Trajković, Vladimir Matvijenko, Slaviša Antić (2018). Trends in the Incidence Rates of Cancer of the Tongue in the City of Belgrade - - - Trend u incidenciji karcinoma jezika i poda usne duplje na teritoriji grada Beograda. Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis, 35(2), 94-104.