Variation in the Course and Termination of the Cephalic Vein in the Deltopectoral Triangle - - - Varijacije u toku i završetku cefalične vene u deltopektoralnom trouglu
Journal Title: Acta Facultatis Medicae Naissensis - Year 2017, Vol 34, Issue 2
The knowledge of cephalic vein variation would aid proper identification and prevent error in surgical emergencies. The path, distribution, and termination of the cephalic vein in relation to the delto-pectoral triangle were studied in twenty formalin-embalmed cadavers. Results show the bilateral presentation of the cephalic vein in all the shoulders examined. Thirty-seven (37) cases presented with a superficial and lateral course of the cephalic vein in the deltopectoral groove, while the rest three cases presented a deep course. Of these 37 cases with the superficial course, two cases ascended anteriorly and above the clavicle and drained into the external jugular vein in the neck. Another case presented a cephalic vein that ascended anteriorly and then above the clavicle and drained into an unnamed vein in the neck. In one case, the cephalic vein ascended superficially in the deltopectoral groove and laterally in the deltopectoral triangle. In one bilateral pattern, the cephalic vein in the deltopectoral triangle drained into the axillary vein. In all the three cases where the cephalic vein ascended deep within the deltopectoral groove, they terminated deep in the deltopectoral triangle. In one of these, the cephalic vein received a tributary that originated from a venous network beneath the deltoid muscle and then drained into athe xillary vein, deep in the deltopectoral triangle. In the other two cases, the cephalic vein gave a tributary to the axillary vein and continued deep and medially in the delto-pectoral triangle, passed below the clavicle and drained into the subclavian vein. The knowledge of these variations of the cephalic vein is essential to clinicians and surgeons for venous access during emergencies and surgery. - - - Poznavanje varijacija cefalične vene omogućilo bi njenu adekvatnu identifikaciju i sprečilo pravljenje grešaka u hitnim hirurškim intervencijama. Put, grananje i završetak cefalične vene u odnosu na deltope-ktoralni trougao analizirani su kod dvadeset kadavera potopljenih u formalin. Rezultati ukazuju na bila-teralnu prezentaciju cefalične vene kod svih analiziranih ramena, Kod 37 slučajeva zabeležen je površinski i lateralni tok cegalične vene u deltopektoralnom trouglu, dok je u preostala tri slučaja zabeležen duboki tok. Od 37 slučajeva s površinskim tokom, u dva slučaja vena se spustila anteriorno i iznad klavikule i ulila u spoljašnju jugularnu venu vrata. U drugom slučaju, vena se spustila anteriorno, potom se kretala iznad kla-vikule i ulila u bezimenu venu u vratu. U jednom od slučajeva, cefalična vena se kretala uzlazno površi-nskim tokom i lateralno u deltopektpralnom trouglu. U bilateralnomobrascu, cefalična vena se u deltope-ktoralnom trouglu ulila u aksilarnu venu. U sva tri slučaja gde je cefalična vena ušla duboko u deltope-ktoralni trougao, tu se i završila. U jednom od ovih slučajeva, cefalična vena je imala pritoku koja je krenula iz mreže vena ispod deltoidnog mišića, a potom se ulila u aksilarnu venu duboko u deltopektoralnom trouglu. U preostala dva slučaja iz cefalične vene je krenula pritoka do aksilarne vene, koja je nastavila dubokim tokom i medijalno kroz deltopektoralni trougao, ispod klavikule i ulila se u subklavikularnu venu. Poznavanje ovih varijacija cefalične vene je od suštinskog značaja za kliničare i hirurge zbog pristupa ovoj veni u toku hirurških i hitnih interventnih stanja.
Authors and Affiliations
Atoni Atoni Dogood, Oyinbo Charles Aidemise
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